Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Day

We all have them. The Bad Day. I try to keep it in perspective though, obviously MY bad day is alot less bad than someone living in Haiti right now. Actually, my day is less bad than ANY day lived in Haiti I am guessing and for that, I am grateful. But that doesn't diminish the fact that today I spent more time wanting to scream or cry than smile. Everyone has them, it's the dealing with them that matters. I am embracing the "badness" and convincing myself, actually KNOWING that tomorrow will be better. Mainly because I have decided it will be. People neglect to realize that most of being happy is a descision, just like being angry or sad is too. I know, I know, sometimes really awful things happen that you cannot control, believe me I have experience, but you can decide to not let it change you permenantly. Being optimistic and positive is critical to having a fulfilling life. We are all allowed a bad day here and there. Today is mine and tomorrow is going to be FANTASTIC. And the next, and the next...

Part of my bad day, the playlist I was working on Monday for the week really sucks so I'm starting over. You'll have to be surprised (like me).

Untill next time,


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