Sunday, April 11, 2010

This week’s playlist was a combination of two I was working on. Ideas come to me at strange times. Sometime I hear I song while driving and a whole list comes together in a matter of seconds. Or maybe I put my iPod on shuffle and I hear a song I forgot about and it gets re-energized in my brain. Or like this week, I had two ideas, both slightly incomplete, and ended up combining them. One was the concept of using all “rock” music, you know, harder more heavy music. The other one I was thinking about was called “chick” music. I know it’s slightly sexist, but I am a chick so I guess that makes it better. It’s remix, dancey stuff. Light and fluffy. It turned out quite nicely actually, since the rock songs felt like hills and the remix stuff felt like flat roads, so the profile of the class was lots of up and down. Straight forward, but a good, challenging workout.

So here it is…

Hard and Soft (52 minutes)

1. Perfect Day- Cascada (warm up)
2. You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC (run)
3. All Through the Night- Novaspace (run)
4. Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana (climb)
5. Everytime We Touch- Cascada (run)
6. Sweet Child o Mine- Guns N’ Roses (climb)
7. La De Da De Da De- Retro Dance Party (jumps and runs)
8. We Will Rock You- Queen (seated climb)
9. Kiss the Sky- Danielle Bollinger (run)
10. Walk The Way- Run D.M.C. (climb)
11. What Hurts the Most- Cascada (run)
12. Enter Sandman- Metallica (run with resistance)
13. Been Caught Stealing- Jane’s Addiction (cool down)

I was going to call it “Soft and Hard” but I thought it sounded too much like an adult film title;)

Have a great week!


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