Wednesday, February 17, 2010

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

I love the Olympics. It is the one event that ALL of our country is actually on the same team, wanting the same thing. No politics, no religion, just sport. And mostly slightly to very obscure sports at that, I mean does anyone really follow bobsledding or speed skating other than the two weeks of the winter games? And Curling? Come on.

But for now we are all fans, or else you should be. The athletes have trained for years for this one moment. And it's not like you can pick your self up, dust yourself off and try again next week, or month, or even year. It's FOUR. So for many this is it. The one shot. The last chance.

Today we did "Olympic" music in class. I tried to get everyone to think of class as an event, to psych themselves up, to push a little harder. I know it is easy to come to a group exercise class and expect the teacher to do all the "thinking" but I know that in reality the more connected you are between your body and mind, the better you will perform. Those athletes flying down a ski slope and some ungodly speed are not thinking about what they are doing this weekend. They are thinking of the mountain moving under their skiis and how their muscles and bodies need to move with it. I say pretend you are one of them. Pick an event, a favorite. Be an athlete as you workout. There is nothing against trying to be one and if you train like an athlete, you can get results like an athlete.

Good job today for all who took my "Indoor Snow Cycling " class. You all did great!  Here is the playlist...some of it will be familiar, the rest is from some "Vancouver 2010 Games" stuff I discovered on iTunes. Enjoy!

Winter Olympics (short version 46 minutes)

1.Olympic Fanfare and Theme- Boston Pops & John Williams (warm up)
2.The Final Countdown (Go for Gold Mix)- Vancouver 5 (run)
3.Start Me Up- The Rolling Stones (climb)
4.Symphony No.9 Choral IV:Ode to Joy- London Symphony Orchestra (run)
5.I'm Gonna Fight- Lovefool (seated climb)
6.For the Victory- Powergeek (run)
7.Don't Stop Believin'- George Lamond (run)
8.I Like to Move It (Twister's Vancouver mix)- Funky Animal (jumps)
9.Lose Yourself- Eminem (climb)
10.What's Up- D.J. Miko (run)
11.William Tell Overture- London Philharmonis Orchestra (fast run)
12.National Anthem of Canada- Intrumental (cool down)
13.The Star Spangled Banner- Whitney Houston (cool down)

Watch the games if you can. It will be another 4 years untill you get a chance and for most of these athletes this is it!

Stay Strong,

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