Sunday, February 14, 2010

it's been awhile

I haven't written for over a week and I feel guilty for that, even though I am unsure anyone out there is reading :) My apologies though regardless. The reason I have been MIA is that I have been holed up studying all week for the conference I attended this weekend to get my Personal Training Certification. Actually, I have been studying since early January, but crunch time was this week. I think it went well, not as good as I hoped for the practical part (I hate pressure), but the written I was prepared for. I would be surprised if I did not pass, so I am hoping to receive my certification in about 4-6 weeks. What I do with it is pretty much still up in the air. I think I would be a good trainer, actually I know I would, I'm just not sure in what setting yet.

It was interesting, to say the least, to be trapped in a modifyed raquetball court, at a circa 1987 gym in Rosemont for three days with about 30 strangers. I felt like I was in a movie at times, with each of the many characters emerging through out the days. The loud, talkative, no-it-all guy, the earthy, new wavy woman who liked to ask questions alot of the time just to ask, the super nervous, anxious test-takers. The quiet ones, the funny ones, the intimidating ones, the overly friendly ones. Everyone there had a reason to be there, a story, and I was very curious wondering about each one. Some were obviously just starting out and alot were starting over. Either way, I have to wonder how we all got in that room.
The most curious of characters though, was the leader of the seminar, a guy named Josh. He, I am sure, has some good stories of his life's path, and if time had permitted, he would be the one to go and have a beer with and find out. He gave us hints to his story, mentioning growing up in the "hood", references to the South, his slight drawl.  Josh was the perfect example of the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover." Now I try my hardest not to judge people, I think it is a waste of time, and usually inaccurate and WAY too easy. You need to invest some time and effort into getting to know someone. Judging is easy, knowing is harder. Anyway, Josh was over two hours late in getting our first day going because of "technical difficulties" or in other words he didn't have the right cord and had to go out and find it. Now at first, I admit, I thought this guy did not know what he was doing, didn't care and was completely unprepared. It didn't help that his outward appearance was a pretty good resemblance to Eminem, complete with tribal tattoos and a cap on backwards, pushed up forward. Now, I like Eminem and I have bodyart myself, but the combination of the image of disorganization and his outward look, led me to judge (sorry). I have a suspicion though, that he might do some of it on purpose, to maybe teach this very same lesson. And believe me, it is a good one. I have blonde hair, boobs, and my name is Portia. I get judged before I even say a word all the time. I got at least one car joke this weekend from a guy and I have heard them all.

Once Josh, the badass looking leader of our group started to speak, my opinion immediately changed. It wasn't the information he presented that really made an impact, although I did learn from him and wished I could have talked to him more about some of his training method and ideas regarding nutrition, but his passion that really made an impression. It was obvious that he loves what he does for a living. To feel the energy that comes from a person like that is contagious, or at least envied by those who see it and feel it. That is what will make someone want to be better, no matter what it might be in.
I liked Josh's take on training. He definitely has a bit of a philosopher in him. It really isn't about lifting weights or losing weight or preventing disease. It's about making life better for someone. To make LIVING better. That's huge.
So thank you to Josh and to all the other "strangers" in that room this weekend. May we all go out and make life better for people, including ourselves.

Peace :)


p.s. I am working on an Olympic playlist for this week... a challenge but should be good. I haven't worked out in two days and I'm going a little nuts

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